• Assiting Corporate Organizations in contributing to life saving missions

In the last days of the month of October 2021, the corporate company Prudential Beneficial Insurance organized a blood drive hosted by FabAfrique and coordinated by our services. Because life has no price, the voluntary blood donors who answered present offer a priceless value. We are proud of such initiatives and more proud to oversee them. Our aim is to accompany such and deliver our expertise at the benefit of humanity. 

  • Enhancing blood donation attitude among youths
Activity spearheaded by our blood donation coordinator, Mr. Mbuye Gilbert spurs a lot of youths to grasp the concept of voluntary bood donation and take part in it. One of such campaigns takes place in a university (FONAB Polytechnic, Bamenda) in partnership with the students’ association of the university nd a health science university (St. Louis Higher Institute) donors). Supported by the director of the Regional Hospital of Bamenda and the director of FONAB Polytechnique helped in the mobilization of over 100 youths for the campaigns. Every single day, we believe such actions helpt to keep a mother, father, son, daughter, or frend alive. Like our slogan goes; “Share life, share always”. Because of our diligence at work, this led to a partnership with the stakeholders.
  • Enhancing Blood donation attitude among health science students

Nursing the right knowledge, right attitude and right reflex among health science students took us to the State Registered Nursing school in Limbe, Cameroon. The engangement between the students and our members reminded us of the work we set out to do. Mr. Ntiege Ousman led this activity and partnering with the Baptist Hospital Mutengene, we recruited more voluntary donors. 

  • Supporting health campaigns
Great initiatives involving the organization and implementation of health activities by health science students is not rare in many parts of the world. In bid to add to the diversity of health services offered by these campaigns, we frequently partner with the organizers and contribute our expertise in the field of blood donation and helping people to know their blood groups. Within the year of 2021, we partnered with the University of Bamenda Medical Students’ Association (UbaMSA) and CAMESA. This took us, under the leadership of Mr. Mbuye Gilbert to a community enthusiastic to receive this health services. “It was a great moment sensitizing, encouraging and demystifying the art of blood donation” as reported by our coordinator. Furthermore, to break down the barrier of “unknown blood group”, we helped future voluntary donors to get to know theirs. Gratitude extended to the president of UbaMSA, Mr. Ubraine Wande and team.
  • Leveraging on unconventional methods to provide safe blood
Beyond the social platforms we use to push the vision, we get involved in activities which look unconventional. Pertaining to our know-how and driving force, we partnered with Team LIWONG through the corporate organization MEDIA MANSION to support their initiative of promoting voluntary blood donation through a Cameroonian film entitled “LIWONG” (meaning “OUR TRADITION”). As principal organizers of the blood drive, we enabled more voluntary donors to gain a real insight to the consequence of lack of safe blood in the community. Special thanks to Prince Wirnkar Jude who was exceptional in making this partnership fruitful. Despite the very short time interval for putting this together, Mr. Ntiege Ousman, Mr. Laraba Ousamnou, Mrs. Sama Britney, Mr. Mbuye Gilbert and Mrs. Nancielle with the dedicated commitment of the Baptist Hospital Mutengene made this feasible.
  • Celebration of the World Blood Donor Day
In memory of the father of blood transfusion, Karl Landsteiner, every June 14th marks the day wherein our heros (blood donors) are celebrated. As such, it is a very significant period for us and we organize diverse activities especially “Blood Drives”. In 2021, Mbuye Gilbert organized an event at the Bamenda Regional Hospital which was very much welcomed by the Director, Dr. Denis Nsame. The importance of voluntary blood donation was made and strategies to ensure sustainability was discussed.
Mbuye Gilbert, main coordinator of a blood drive campaign at Bamenda Regional Hospital, Cameroon
Blood Track and staff of the Bamenda Regional Hospital, Cameroon
  • Education and Sensitization
With close to 850,000 blood donors needed annually, sensitization is one the pillars Blood Track stands on. The community considerably has a role to play and needs to be aware. We organise these based on a well defined calendar of activities wherein we challenge the participants, to be active and be the change they want to see!
Education and Sensitization
Recruitment provision of blood donors
  • Blood Donation Campaigns
The impact of the sensitization is manifested through the response of the community in the blood donation campaigns. Over time, we have been able to establish a database of more than 1000 donors in different communities in the country. We devote our energy and time in this campaigns and more importantly in those who respond present, as their wellbeing is of prime importance for us. Remember that each blood donatioin, potentially saves 3 lives!
Ongoing donation process by a Blood Track donor
Blood donation by a recruited voluntary donor in Yaounde teaching hospital, Cameroon
  • Recruitment and Provision of blood donors
There is no alternative when a patient is in need of blood. Daily, about 3 people die every second globally, because of this reason. Our foundation of recruiting the safest donors to ensure the safest blood transfusion is our core principle. We provide blood donors in proximity to the area demanded and ensure follow-up to maintain both parties satisfied. There is no greater value than service to humanity, that is our belief!
Dr. LYONGA KHARIM with CAMESA SG (2020) and recruited blood donor, Nkongsamba, Cameroon
Dr. INES KWAWA and recruited blood donors, Cameroon
  • Professional Development and Foreign Exchange
“Nomo dat quat non habet”, “You cannot give, what do you not have”. The ability to learn and stay up-to-date with practices and protocol vis-a-vis blood donation and transfusion is essential in delivering world standards services. This is done through seminars and exchange visits of national and internation blood banks. Reinventing and innovation defines who we are!
Blood drive campaign organized by HERO Cameroon in partnership with Blood Track and Baptist Hospital Mutengene, Cameroon
Blood Track, CAMESA and Divisional Officer of Nkongsamba II, Cameroon
  • Recognition of HERO’s (Blood Donor of the Month)
We have to speak more about those who have decided to be background heros to the transfusion chain, these are the voluntary blood donors. Every month, we recognize a blood donor via our social media platforms, wherein at the end of the year, we prepare a surprise package for these unsung heros, blood donors.